Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Turkish Investor Residency: A Comprehensive Guide to Recent Changes

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Aug 27, 2024
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Significant changes have been introduced to the investor residence permit, a crucial step in the mandatory process of acquiring Turkish Citizenship by Investment.

Under a new practice from the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs of the Turkish Ministry of Internal Affairs, married investors face specific requirements. They must now travel to Turkey with their spouses to jointly obtain an investor type residence permit, complete with the provision of fingerprints and biometric data. Additionally, they must return to Turkey once more at a later stage of the process to validate this information before their citizenship is granted.

Moreover, there’s a noteworthy update for those who previously applied for an investor residence permit without including their spouse. They are now compelled to revisit Turkey to secure a residence permit for their spouse as well in order to obtain the Turkish Citizenship and confirm the fingerprints and biometric data together. This requirement is retroactively applicable to past applicants, extending back approximately one year.

Reflecting on past years, when investor residence permits were routinely approved within the same day without the need to physically appear, these procedural shifts and new requirements underscore the dynamic evolution within our industry.